Security and Personal Data Protection

The following text describes how we use and process the personal data that you have provided to us. You will also find information on how to contact us if you have any questions regarding personal data. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Identity and Contact Details of the Controller

Company / Name and Surname:  CZ SCREEN s.r.o.
Adress:  K Sedlci 516, 267 53 Žebrák
ID No.:  24668036
Phone:  +420 730 910 910

What Type of Personal Data Do We Collect?

We only collect personal data for the purpose of communicating with website users or implementing the offered service or sale of goods based on the fulfillment of a concluded contract. This includes Name, Surname, Delivery Address, Billing Address, Email, and Payment Details according to the type of payment.

For What Purpose Do We Process Personal Data?

Processing of personal data is necessary for the implementation of communication with website users or for fulfilling a contract created by ordering offered services, for these purposes:

  • Information about new products.
  • Service implementation.
  • Information about the order status.
  • Delivery of ordered goods.
  • Handling of any complaints.

We need your email address to inform you about discounts and special actions, competitions, and other interesting news. You must give your conscious consent for this extended marketing communication. Consent takes place by filling out a form for registration to these emails, or by confirming an email that was sent to you based on ordering a service/product.

If you do not wish to receive this information, you have the option to withdraw consent at any time. You can find this option in each received newsletter. You can also contact the above-mentioned email of the authorized person.

What Security Procedures Regarding the Storage of Personal Data Do We Use?

The provider has adopted and maintains such technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized or accidental access to personal data, their alteration, destruction or loss, unauthorized transfers, their other unauthorized processing, as well as other misuse of personal data.

  • Anonymization of personal data.
  • The ability to restore the availability of personal data and access to them in a timely manner in the event of physical or technical incidents.
  • The process of regular testing, assessment, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implemented technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of processing.
  • Multi-level firewall.
  • Antivirus protection and control of unauthorized accesses.
  • Encrypted data transmission via IT technologies.
  • Access to personal data only for authorized persons of the Provider.
  • Servers with personal data locked in a server room.

How Can You Control the Personal Data You Have Provided?

If you want to verify which specific data we work with, contact the authorized person - see email in the first part of this page. Follow the same procedure if you wish to have your personal data removed.

General Provisions

  1. The customer voluntarily provides their personal data and agrees to their provision to third parties under the conditions listed below.
  2. Personal data will be processed electronically in an automated manner or in printed form in a non-automated manner.
  3. In the event that the user of the website believes that the controller or processor is processing his personal data in a manner that is contrary to the protection of private and personal life, or contrary to the law, especially if the personal data is inaccurate with regard to the purpose of their processing, he can:
  • Request an explanation from the seller or processor at his electronic address or in writing,
  • Demand that the administrator or processor, by request to his electronic address or in writing, eliminate such a situation.
  1. If a user of the website requests information regarding the processing of his personal data, the seller is obliged to provide this information to his electronic address or in writing by mail. The administrator has the right to demand a reasonable fee not exceeding the costs necessary to provide the information, in the case of repeated requests.
  2. The seller is a duly registered administrator of personal data. Personal data of customers are secured against misuse. Handling of customers' personal data is governed by the relevant provisions of Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data and on the Amendment of Some Acts, as amended.
  3. All failures, questions, leaks, or misuse of personal data can be reported to the relevant Office for Personal Data Protection. (ÚOOÚ)
K Sedlci 516 - Žebrák 267 53 - D5 exit 34
Copyright © 2024 CZ SCREEN s.r.o.
Created by Petr Smejkal